Signage Super Sale!!!

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Signage Super Sale!!!

Signage Super Sale!!!

To celebrate the new month, we are proud to announce a super sale on poster stands. These large-scale signage products allow you advertise any product, promotion or event with highly visible poster sized print material. In this super sale, we are offering significant discounts on our single and double poster sign stands, along with a restock of our triple poster sign stand. These options give you the flexibility to advertise and create marketing that helps you stand out from your competitors.

The Products:

Single Frame Poster Stand – 20% off

Our Single Poster Sign Stand is one of our flagship signage products. This product features a single frame along with a squared base setup. This square section base ensures that your sign stand remains stable while also being light weight and easy to move. The frame is 22 x 28 inch poster size, giving you a large canvas to create unique and eye-catching promotional material. The frame also has a quick swap feature, allowing you to quickly change posters for events, seasonal or holiday campaigns. With a staggering 20% discount, now is the time to buy and ensure you get a high-quality product at a budget price.

single frame poster stand

Double Frame Poster Stand – 21% off

Our Double Frame Poster Stand boasts the same base as the Single Frame Poster Stand but is additionally equipped with a second frame. This second frame is strategically placed below the top frame to maximize visibility and allows you to display two different poster sized signs in the same floor space as a single frame stand. Each frame measures 22 x 28 inches, giving you ample space to advertise a variety of events or promotions. Priced at a low cost of $89, this poster stand is unmatched not only in terms of build quality and durability but also in price, beating any of our competitors in the market.

double frame poster stand

Triple Frame Poster Stand – Restock

Along with our sales on the single and double frame poster stands, we also have a restock of our triple frame poster stand. This consumer favorite features three 22 x 28 inch frames in a single stand, providing a total canvas of 22 x 84 inches! This 7 ft tall poster stand stands out from the crowd drawing attention to your promotions or messages. The three frames have a quick-change design allowing posters to be swapped out quickly and easily while the robust build quality makes this sign stand ideal for heavy traffic areas.

triple frame poster stand

This restock along with our single and double poster stand sales offers gives you the opportunity to purchase standout poster sized signage at unbeatable prices. Whether you are looking for a single poster display or the flexibility to display three posters in one stand we have you covered. If you are looking for other sizes or types of signage options, check out our full range of signage products here or contact a representative for assistance.

For more content on all of our products, check out our YouTube.
If you want to see similar products, be sure to check out our Signage Products category.
To improve your signage positioning and usage, check out our blog post on The Role of Directional Signage.


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